Candidates Front Row Left to Right: Jenna oordt, Faith Elgersma, Ava De Jong, Kyra Van Schouwen, Mackenzie Huizenga, Kendra Breems & Back Row Left to Right: Eden Moreau, Bridget Plender, Larkin Wede, Emma Drescher, Jaelye Woudstra. Not pictured: Brynn Vanden Brink

2025 Tulip Court Elections to be held October 9

The 2025 Tulip Court Election will take place on Wednesday, October 9. Voting for the 2025 Tulip Court will take place from 12 to 7 p.m. at Stadscentrum, located on the corner of Central Avenue and Second Street North in Orange City.

Tulip Court candidates for 2025 are: Kendra Breems, Ava De Jong, Emma Drescher, Faith Elgersma, Mackenzie Huizenga, Eden Moreau, Jenna Oordt, Bridget Plender, Kyra Van Schouwen, Brynn Vanden Brink, Larkin Wede, Jaelye Woudstra

Eligible voters are adults with an Orange City address and 7th through 12th-grade students at MOC-Floyd Valley, Orange City Christian School, and Unity Christian High School.

Can’t make it downtown on Wednesday, Oct 9th? Register to vote online below.