Color with us! Printable Tulip Festival Coloring Pages

Color with us! Download coloring pages and share your work with us on Facebook & Instagram.

A Message from 2020 Chairs

2020 Orange City Tulip Queen Crowned

Left to Right: BreElle Van Zee, Aubyn Zwart, Queen Madisyn Mulder, Julia Howe, Sophie Swart.

Madisyn Mulder was crowned the 2020 Tulip Festival Queen on Monday, Nov. 11. Madisyn will reign over the 80th annual Tulip Festival, set for May 14, 15, and 16, 2020.

A senior at MOC-Floyd Valley High School in Orange City, Madisyn Mulder, is the daughter of Scott and Jill Mulder.

Madisyn is joined on the 2020 Tulip Court by court members Julia Howe, daughter of Sean and Kristyn Howe, Sophie Swart, daughter of John and Mary Swart, BreElle Van Zee, daughter of Tim and Sara Van Zee, and Aubyn Zwart, daughter of Brad and Shawn Zwart.

Madisyn and her court members spent Monday afternoon interviewing with judges Bridget Bennett, Bill Kalsbeek, Lisa (Oolman) Laird.

A pageant was held for the public in the evening. Each of the candidates answered questions on various topics and gave an individual presentation. Madisyn was crowned queen as a conclusion to the evening.

Madisyn and her court will serve as ambassadors for the Orange City Tulip Festival as they travel in the spring, making several media and public appearances.

80th Tulip Festival Print Announced

Artwork and special order tulips offered in celebration of 80th Tulip Festival

The Tulip Festival Steering Committee is pleased to announce a commemorative framed artwork set for the 2020 Orange City Tulip Festival, slated for May 14-16.

The artwork selected for the 80th annual Tulip Festival are three framed canvases, each showcasing a different piece of downtown Orange City’s tulip mural located at the corner of Central Avenue and Second Street NE.

“We look forward to offering these art pieces as a celebration of the 80th Tulip Festival,” says Cristi Kelch, co-chairman of the Steering Committee. “We are excited to give residents and visitors of the festival a unique piece of Orange City to enjoy in their own homes throughout the year.”

Though all three pieces coordinate and showcase the full downtown mural, the individual framed canvases can be purchased and displayed separately. One 10.25-inch by 10.25-inch framed canvas costs $50.00, or all three can be purchased for a discounted price of $125.00.

The 21- by 100-foot tulip mural downtown Orange City was painted by Mark Alsum in 2011, and depicts a bed of vibrant red, yellow and purple tulips as well as a Dutch windmill. The mural was inspired by the bright tulips that bloom each year at the annual Tulip Festival. The mural was commissioned by the Orange City Arts Council and the Orange City Betterment Board contributed funds to the project.

“This mural is a great representation of this year’s festival theme of ‘Vibrant Together. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.’” says Kelch. “The mural itself was inspired and completed by multiple organizations in Orange City that all worked together to make what is now an iconic landmark in Orange City and a beautiful backdrop for our festival each year.”

In order to re-create the mural artwork on canvas, hours were spent color-correcting and making sure each detail of the mural was accurately represented. Ken Fry of Centrum Foto and Taylor Reynolds of the Orange City Chamber in Orange City provided their expertise for this process.

The canvases can be ordered by calling the Tulip Festival office at 712-707-4510.

To coordinate with the canvas artwork, a special mix of tulip bundles are available for purchase. The special 80th Anniversary Special Tulip Bundle include red, yellow and purple tulips. Each bundle includes 20 bulbs for $25. To order the 80th Anniversary Special Tulip Bundle, contact Tulip Town Bulb Company at 712-737-3670.