2021 Tour de Tulips bike ride from Orange City to Maurice for the fly-in breakfast
- The ride starts at Stadscentrum in downtown Orange City and will take place rain or shine
- Cost is $30 for fly-in breakfast ride
- Distance: 21 miles (round-trip) to airport and back
- Sag support provided for the ride to the Sioux County Regional Airport
- Opportunities to divert to the Vogel Old Mill on your return trip
- Fly-in breakfast riders should register before May 8 to ensure your receipt of backpack, water bottle, and Tulip Festival coupon book.
- Packet pickup and last-minute registration in person on Friday, May 14 5-7pm or Saturday, May 15 6:30-7:30am at West Side Windmill Park
- A changing area will be available to riders following the event for anyone wanting to stay and enjoy the local festivities afterwards.