Name: Rachel Jorgensen
Parents: Dawn and Jerry Jorgensen
Hobbies & Interests
Drawing, painting, singing, theater, learning Spanish, visiting with family and friends.
School Activities
Large group speech, Individual speech, orchestra, band, color guard, choir, jazz band, chamber singers, theater National Honor Society, Pep band, working in the English Language Learners room.
Spare Time Activities
Singing on praise team, getting coffee with friends, watching tv shows and movies, playing card games, and playing board games.
Education/Career Plans
I will attend a four-year University and possibly go into vocal music with a Spanish minor.
Past Tulip Festival Participation
I rode floats in elementary school, was in the Night Show The Music Man, participated in Dutch games and Dutch Dance, and I marched with the Tiger Marching Band in fifth grade. I also have participated in Dutch Dozen and Senior Dutch Dance since my sophomore year and I’ve marched with the Pride of the Dutchmen marching band since sixth grade.