Name: Jaelye Woudstra

Parents: Brandon and Kyndara Woudstra

Hobbies/Interests:  I have a wide range of hobbies and interests which include playing sports, painting and drawing, playing piano or guitar, reading, fishing, and baking.

School activities: At Unity, I participate in volleyball, basketball, track, band, student council, and FFA. 

Spare time activities: In my spare time, I love to go on walks with my friends, go boating with my family, lift weights, work at Woudstra’s Meat Market, go hunting with my dad, and spend time outside. 

Education/career plans: In my future, I plan to attend either Northwestern College or Dordt University. I would like to major in Education in order to teach and coach middle school students.

Past Tulip Festival participation: As a young child, I grew up scrubbing streets, eating poffertjes, enjoying ride night with friends, and dressing up in Dutch costume to ride in parades. When I was a first grader, I had the opportunity to be a Page under Queen Ali Achterhof. I also participated in the Dutch Games, Dutch Dance, and the OCCS marching band.