Name: Kendra Breems

Parents: Ryan and Lorinda Breems

Hobbies/Interests: My hobbies are reading and writing, singing (often on praise team), and watching videos about different cultures and worldviews (nerd alert :). I am really interested in Psychology and in learning about the human body, and how they work together.

School activities: I am in improv, speech, one act, national history day, manager for cross country, women’s singing group, band/pep band, I’m a living group leader (weekly devotions, snack and game time with a group of 9-12th graders), and sometimes I help out our English teacher which right now means editing the year book. 🙂 

Spare time activities: In my spare time I sing on praise team, go to youth group and Bible Study, write/read, play with hairstyles, hang out with my friends, and play with my little siblings. In the summers I also enjoy going on mission trips, they’ve all been in the U.S so far but this summer I’m going to Guatemala! 

Education/career plans: I plan to either go to Dordt University or Calvin University to major in Psychology and possibly double major with something else such as education. I know I want to use psychology but I’m not sure if that’s in special ed, therapy, or other things. 

Past Tulip Festival participation: I have been doing Dutch dance since 2nd grade and would always get some float rides in too! I have been in the Night Show the past 2 years. I also have been in the OCCS marching band and enjoy re-joining them for the alumni band. I also always have to get in some street scrubbing!